Urban-Map specializes in providing maps of major cities around the world. The maps are a must-have for city or business trips and gives a smart image of each city’s individual character.

Our maps are clear and easy to use, and are designed to show you the way to urban life for locals, travelers, business people, adventurers and dreamers.
What we do
Urban-Map makes more than just a path for understanding how a city runs. Our city and route maps are created for mobile devices and are not just convenient travel companions, but also give you a sense of security and independence while exploring the city.

Treat yourself to a stress-free experience, minimizing missteps while getting a great overview of city. The best part is, you can even use our maps while you’re offline!
It’s not just about helping you find your way to your destination, some of our users have even written in their reviews that our app saved their life. As you can see, Urban-Map makes more than just maps; we make memories.
Urban-Map – find yourself, even offline!

The Stories
Tokyo Shinjuku – Lost in Translation
› Read the designer’s story

Tokyo Rail Map – Behind the Scenes
› Read how a city’s character is designed

City Rail Map – for a Better Urban Life
› Read how design provides a city overview

Sponsor & Supporter
Sponsor a Map of Your Choice
› Read how you can immortalize yourself

Support & Service
For app support and customer service, please use the contact info on your › iOS or › Android devices!
Partnership & Contact
For partnertship & general questions about us, please visit › Contact Page.
For hotels & tourist locations within Kanto region only › Order Page
Urban-Map GbR, DE-79102 Freiburg i.Br. Germany EU

All maps designed and copyrighted by › Vollmer-Design.com